Quality of Projects Checklist

Standards will help to ensure consistency. The subscribers of the site deserve consistent, quality, educational content. They pay to learn…

7 years ago

Design an Instructional Plan

You probably know people who seem to know “in their bones” how to do something but cannot explain it to…

7 years ago

LiveEdu 视频录制与上传注意事项

我们的内部转换器无法识别某些视频格式,这会带来一些不便,因此请您确保在录制好试录片段后就向我们上传视频,在细节设置方面,请遵循本指南进行如下调整: 请确保以 FullHD (1080p) 格式保存视频,如果您只能以 HD (720p) 格式录制视频,也请在其余部分采用与下列相同的设置: 视频比特率:4000 Kb/s -- 8000 Kb/s(我们的内部转换器会将其转换为 2500 Kb/s;为避免质量损失,最好在录制之初就设定一个较高的比特率)。 视频编解码器:H.264 音频编解码器:AAC 128-192 Kb/s (也会在内部被转换):…

7 years ago

How to record and upload your videos on Education Ecosystem

Record and Convert your videos To make sure that we get your videos uploaded from the first try, please follow…

7 years ago

The Microsoft Edge Browser Edges Into the Bug Territory

A security researcher working at Google recently discovered a high-severity vulnerability on the Microsoft Edge web browser. The flaw could…

7 years ago

Having Engaged Subscribers

Active Learning Remember attending a long lecture in school and being bored to death? How about watching a video of…

7 years ago

Developing a Storyboard -Project Creators

Sure, you know your topic inside and out and probably have done this project several times. However, fumbling along while…

7 years ago

Get Ready For the New Gutenberg WordPress Editor

Brace yourself: WordPress 5.0 may include the new Gutenberg editor as part of its core! The current tired TinyMCE text…

7 years ago

LEDU 项目周报 – 2018 年 6 月 26 日

欢迎阅读 LEDU 最新一期的项目周报。宝二爷直播6月22早上9点开始,宝二爷在TokenClub开播,介绍了区块链投资方向和出任LEDU 顾问的经历。参与直播活动并且符合条件的用户将获得 LEDU 空投奖励。Read more

7 years ago