Quiz of the Day: 12/11/2016

C# Quiz Answer: The abstract keyword enables you to create classes and class members that are incomplete and must be…

8 years ago


作为一种职业选择来说,软件开发是火得不能再火了。编程语言也在迅速增长。据美国劳动局发布的一项统计数据显示,从2014年至2024年,美国就业市场对开发人员的需求量将增长17%,而这个增长率比起所有职业的平均需求量高出了7%。(数据来源 Read more

8 years ago

Tutorial para iniciantes no Ray, o novo framework de Python

A cada dia, a tecnologia avança para novas profundidades. Novos frameworks, bibliotecas, padrões de design surgem para acompanhar a taxa…

8 years ago Quiz of the Day: 09/11/2016

Python Quiz! Answer: In a few words the with statement allows you to executed code before and/or after a specific…

8 years ago

America’s Best Coding Non-Profits

Coding non-profits are organizations that want to improve the state of programming and computer science education, and any associated fields.…

8 years ago

Share your streams in Facebook with new player

You can share your streams and videos to play directly in Facebook. But some links are displayed as page preview…

8 years ago


过去,当我们谈到教育资源时,首先想到的是大学和学院,因为它们是我们进一步学习知识和提升技能的地方。现在,由于有了互联网的出现,为我们提供了更多公开的学习资源。当我们要学习某种技能时,我们可以有更多选择了。例如,在计算机科学领域,如果你想学习编程或其相关的知识和技能,除了选择大学或学院,你还可以通过一些网上的教育培训课程来实现自己的目标。这些网上课程还有不少是免费的,让你可以节省一笔教育成本。现在已经有越来越多人爱上这种“自学成才”的学习模式,并且最终成为出色的技术人才。 Read more

8 years ago Quiz of the Day: 04/11/2016

Java Quiz! Answer: If you put the same key again then it will replace the old mapping because HashMap doesn't…

8 years ago

An Interview with Liam Craver, Passionate Game developer and A Computer Science Student

Liam Craver is a Computer Science student from New Orleans, United States. He founded Lime Studios, an independent game development,…

8 years ago