自从livecoding.tv上线以来,我们很开心看到越来越多直播者加入我们的平台。为了肯定大家对我们网站的支持和贡献,我们将从十月份开始,每个月评选出在直播上具有最出色表现的直播者一名,并会送出精美礼品。此外,我们还会在电子信中向我们的订阅读者介绍获奖者。 Read more
Answer: In Ruby, the only values that evaluate to false are [crayon-67bb54578f7e0851042150-i/] and [crayon-67bb54578f8f2546187439-i/]. Everything else – even zero (0)…
直播者马秉尧从初中开始学习编程,在大学里学的是计算机专业。曾经当过老师,08年辞职创业,现在的主要工作就是开发hprose这个开源项目。男人三十而立,今年36岁的马秉尧,经营着自己的事业,但对编程的热爱,始终如一。 Read more
No artigo de hoje temos um bate-papo feito com Leonardo Lourenço, um dos fundadores do .NET Coders, o maior e…
The use of traditional JavaScript editors is common among developers. Currently, there are plenty of great text editors that coders…
September, 29 2016: PHP Answer: The correct answer is 18. Here’s why: PHP supports automatic type conversion based on the…
众望所归,我们全新的流媒体集群正式启用啦!新的集群会给用户带来更好的流直播体验。我们在之前发布了关于新集群的筹备通知(详细内容可阅读《2.5mbps Whiskey,新的流媒体集群,以及为亚太区尊敬的用户提供服务》后,收到了很多用户的反馈,在此感谢大家对Livecoding.tv的建议。其中有很多用户都希望他们的流直播可以更流畅,数据的传送速度可以达到2300kbps,音频的比特率达到160kps。我们新的集群启用后,数据传送的速度最高可达2.5mbps,这将满足用户的需求。 Read more
As promised, our new streaming cluster is now up and running. The new streaming cluster replaces the old one and…
Quando estamos utilizando o jQuery no JavaScript, muitas vezes queremos tomar uma ação baseada no estado de um elemento. Um…