Pokemon Go and IT Security
Pokémon Go is the center of the world nowadays. The sudden popularity of the Pokémon Go app has stunned many analysts around the world. It is apparent that everyone loves the game, but that doesn’t…
The Education Ecosystem Blog is a hub for in-depth development blogs and new technology announcements written by professional software engineers in the Education Ecosystem network
Pokémon Go is the center of the world nowadays. The sudden popularity of the Pokémon Go app has stunned many analysts around the world. It is apparent that everyone loves the game, but that doesn’t…
Ruby has a creator of random numbers (or aleatory) already integrated into its code, which is the method rand. Since version
Whenever you think of the best way to do something, there are different opinions on the subject. Best in what terms? Security, speed, flexibility, code simplicity, and so on. We hope you will contribute…
Всем привет! Мы создали рейтинг из самых просматриваемых каналов за август 2016 года. Отталкивались от общего количества просмотров за месяц. Давайте посмотрим на список тех кто отличился в последнем месяце лета: 1.ISVK Бесспорный лидер по…
Многие программисты не любят это дело и пытаются всячески избежать этой работы всеми доступными способами. Отсутсвие документации кода приводит к плохой его читаемости и к сложному техническому обслуживанию для других членов команды. Документация кода отличается…
In Ruby, a String contains and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of bytes, typically representing characters. When you want to change the contents of a String in Ruby, it should be noted that methods with…
In Ruby, as in other programming languages, an array is a list of items with an order within your code. Each item has its position in this list and acts as a variable: you…
For week W33-2016 Python Project, the broadcaster Taddeimania is working on Tradermon. Taddeimania is a regular broadcaster on Livecoding. He is from Greenville, United States and is broadcasting on Livecoding for one year! With all…
Deployment tools with useful features are necessary for end-to-end automation and streamlining of the software development process for different platforms including constant updates. It is one of the problems of software development that hindered faster…