LEDU Token

How to Manage LEDU BEP-20 Tokens on Metamask

If you’re part of the LEDU community and looking to send, receive, or swap LEDU BEP20 tokens, you’re in the right place! These tips will help you manage your LEDU BEP20 tokens on Metamask.

Sending LEDU BEP20 Tokens on MetaMask:

  1. Ensure that your MetaMask wallet is connected to the Binance Smart Chain network.
  2. Add the LEDU token to your MetaMask wallet using the contract address (0x887d9c01fff04022da9c6d64a65a481a9e5d1fca).
  3. Click on “Send” in the MetaMask wallet interface and enter the recipient’s wallet address and the amount of LEDU BEP20 tokens you want to send.
  4. Confirm the transaction and wait for it to be processed on the Binance Smart Chain.

Receiving LEDU BEP20 Tokens on MetaMask:

  1. Share your MetaMask wallet address with the sender of the LEDU BEP20 tokens.
  2. Once the sender has initiated the transaction, you should receive the tokens in your MetaMask wallet after the transaction is processed on the Binance Smart Chain.

Swapping LEDU BEP20 Tokens on MetaMask:

  1. Ensure that your MetaMask wallet is connected to the Binance Smart Chain network.
  2. Click on “Swap” in the MetaMask wallet interface.
  3. Choose LEDU BEP20 as the token you want to swap and select the desired amount.
  4. Choose the token you want to receive in exchange for LEDU BEP20.
  5. Confirm the swap and wait for the transaction to be processed on the Binance Smart Chain.

To guide you, we’ve included a video to guide you through the process of managing your LEDU BEP20 tokens on Metamask:

In conclusion, sending, receiving, and swapping LEDU BEP20 tokens on MetaMask is a simple process that involves connecting to the Binance Smart Chain network, adding the LEDU token to your wallet, and using the MetaMask interface to send, receive, or swap the tokens.

Education Ecosystem Staff

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Education Ecosystem Staff
Tags: LEDUmetamask

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