LEDU 中文板块

LEDU 活动预告:2018 全球无眠区块链领袖峰会

2018 GBLS全球无眠区块链领袖峰会 Global Blockchain Leaders Summit
Education Ecosystem 亚洲区块链项目(LEDU)营销负责人朱旭冬将带领部分中国团队成员出席6月6号在杭州召开的全球无眠区块链领袖峰会。

Education Ecosystem 亚洲区块链项目(LEDU)营销负责人朱旭冬


这是今年上半年中国大陆最高规格的区块链大会,将在G20峰会主场馆的杭州国际博览中心举行。参会嘉宾包括以太坊发明者 Vitalik Buterin、著名天使投资人蔡文胜、极客帮创投创始人蒋涛等等。主办方预计参会嘉宾和观众人数将突破2万人。 
76Michael J

Education Ecosystem 创始人 Michael J. Garbade 博士(因为时间原因,将无法到场)

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About author

I, Dr. Michael J. Garbade is the co-founder of the Education Ecosystem (aka LiveEdu), ex-Amazon, GE, Rebate Networks, Y-combinator. Python, Django, and DevOps Engineer. Serial Entrepreneur. Experienced in raising venture funding. I speak English and German as mother tongues. I have a Masters in Business Administration and Physics, and a Ph.D. in Venture Capital Financing. Currently, I am the Project Lead on the community project -Nationalcoronalvirus Hotline I write subject matter expert technical and business articles in leading blogs like Opensource.com, Dzone.com, Cybrary, Businessinsider, Entrepreneur.com, TechinAsia, Coindesk, and Cointelegraph. I am a frequent speaker and panelist at tech and blockchain conferences around the globe. I serve as a start-up mentor at Axel Springer Accelerator, NY Edtech Accelerator, Seedstars, and Learnlaunch Accelerator. I love hackathons and often serve as a technical judge on hackathon panels.