LEDU Token OTC Trading

LEDU (4)

If you hold a large volume of LEDU tokens above 1 million units and wish to sell, our Over-the-Counter (OTC) trading desk is ready to facilitate large transactions. We currently have open OTC buy orders for LEDU token volumes starting from 1 million units.

We understand that trading large volumes on public exchanges can often lead to slippage and unfavorable prices due to low liquidity. To address this, our OTC desk provides a seamless experience for individuals looking to execute large trades efficiently.


  • Avoid impacting market prices
  • Ensure best execution prices
  • Trade large volumes seamlessly
  • Dedicated support 

To proceed with an OTC sale of your LEDU tokens (minimum 1 million units), please contact our OTC trading desk at [email protected]. Our team will guide you through the process and provide a personalized quote based on the current OTC market rates.

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