LEDU Token

How to Swap LEDU ERC for LEDU BEP Tokens

We already discussed how to swap your LEDU ERC for LEDU BEP Tokens in our previous guide on our LEDU Bridge. 

You can also do the same swap on Multichain. This article takes you through the process of swapping your LEDU ERC to LEDU BEP tokens on Multichain.

Multichain (formerly Anyswap) is a Cross-Chain Router Protocol (CRP) that supports cross-chain interoperability of tokens across multiple chains. You can now swap LEDU ERC for LEDU BEP tokens on Multichain.


Visit Multichain and get your wallet connected. In this case, we use MetaMask.

Network setup

When connecting your MetaMask wallet, you will find that the default network setting is Ethereum mainnet. This means you will need to set up MetaMask on other networks.


Fees structure

The minimum crosschain amount is 1,126 LEDU and the maximum crosschain amount is 600,000,000 LEDU. 


The crosschain fee is 0.1% and the minimum crosschain fee is 563 LEDU, maximum crosschain fee is 112,440 LEDU. 


Eth gas fee is charged to send tokens to Multichain but no extra gas fees are charged for receiving. 


You can now swap your tokens. Multichain router allows you to swap assets between two chains arbitrarily. 


However, if it is your first swap, contract approval is required with every token that interacts with a contract. It is a one-off process, and you will not go through it again when swapping your LEDU tokens another time.


A small notification window will appear when you’ve sent a transaction. Check out your MetaMask account.

Adding liquidity to the liquidity pool

Any LEDU token holder can add his own LEDU ERC or LEDU BEP tokens to the Multichain pool as liquidity provider on this link: https://app.multichain.org/#/pool/add


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