Who is donmildreone? He’s a fighter pilot, a part-time mannequin, or a programming genius – one of the three. We’re about to find out:
Real name: Ben
Alter ego: donmildreone
Location: Northampton, England
Powers/abilities: JavaScript, HTML/CSS
Username: https://www.livecoding.tv/donmildreone/
Q: When did you first hear about Livecoding.tv? What was your first reaction?
A: If I remember correctly, I first saw it on Reddit. I thought it was a sick idea, but did not expect the massive growth it has experienced!
Q: If you were one of co-founders of Livecoding.tv what would you do differently?
A: Streamline the UI/UX.
Q: What’s the best thing about Livecoding.tv? What’s the worst/most annoying thing?
A: Best thing: the community. My channel could easily be a barren wasteland, but the chat is so funny they liven it up!
Worst thing: The UI/UX (Sorry to whoever designed it lol).
Q: As a streamer/viewer, do you have anything to say to your streamers/viewers?
A: Oh man, so much to say! In just a few months I’ve made some real friends, and we’ve gone through a lot lol! The good ol’ days of Spin Pig, The Ritual and so on. Shoutouts to soularix, sekenah, hustlinhack, zoed93, ronan, buttonsz and so many more!
Q: What features/functions would you like to see in Livecoding.tv?
A: Channel subscriptions would be cool. Also a built in giveaway function, so people can enter, then it’ll countdown on stream, drumroll and pick a random winner.
Q: When did you first learn to code? How did it go initially?
A: I first learnt to code as a hobby, about 3 years back now. I sucked, everything I made sucked, but it got better with time. I used dreamweaver, which is god awful. I loved it though, I loved every moment of learning (and still do). When you figure out how to do something after hours or trying, it is the most satisfying feeling.
Q: What do you do when you get stuck at a dead end while coding?
A: Talk to the chat 🙂 Or smoke a cigarette. Or get a cup of tea! I’ll have an Earl Grey if you’re making 😉
Q: If you were not a coder, what would you rather be? Why?
A: Nothing! I love design and I love coding. So I guess I’d be a UI/UX designer or something like that, logo design maybe. Or Astronaut. Spaceships are sick.
Q: What do you do when you are called for lunch/dinner while coding?
A: LOL! Is this a question everyone got or just me? I’ve always got headphones on so I rarely hear being called for food. So I’ll look over at the chat, and everyone is spamming ‘BEN DINNERRRRR!’ lol. It’s happened quite a few times.
Q: What’s the most annoying/irritating/bizarre coding habit you have?
A: I’m not sure I have a particularly weird habit. I highlight and unhighlight stuff ALL the time, I suppose that’s odd. People in the chat have commented on it. Like when I’m thinking I’ll just highlight a line of text over and over again.
Check out one of donmildreone’s recent streams: oddshot.tv frontend