For Week W33-2016 C++ project, Fumanchu (Rui Figueira) is working on czrpc : Open Source C++ RPC framework. He has been working as a fulltime game developer since 2007. Before moving to the UK to…
Is PHP Dead?
Is PHP dead? That’s a million dollar question. Let’s find out the position of PHP in 2016 and try to understand its future. PHP, a popular programming language developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year…
HTML5 vs Flash: Things You Should Know
Flash is dead, and HTML5 is the new Flash. — Unknown How many of you agree with the above statement? Adobe Flash is on the internet longer than HTML5 but its current status doesn’t look…
If you have ever programmed in your life, you already know that programming is mostly trial and error. You try to solve a problem, fail at it, search for solutions on Google and then finally…
10 Top JavaScript Blogs to Improve Coding Skills
With two decades of improvement, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages of all time. The journey started in 1995 when Brendan Eich created JavaScript in just 10 days. From there, it…
Work-life balance is one of the most debated topics on the internet. You will find hundreds of articles based on Work-life balance which essentially provide you tips on how to improve your life or something…
If you regularly read our newsletter, you already know that broadcasters get published. They get selected by taking many factors into account, and if you are wondering what the process comprises of, you are in luck…
10+ Best Text Editors For Programming 2016/2017
As a developer, there is always the need of finding the best tools for development purposes. It can be text editors, a library to manage tasks, a framework to build your next project, etc. And, why…
One of the most important decisions to make when building an online store is choosing what eCommerce platform to use. At moltin, after years of experience and frustrations working with existing eCommerce platforms, we highlighted the…